Where exercise science meets nature’s wisdom


Elevate your perception.

Refine your performance.

Show up everyday as your highest selves.

“Hey! How’s it going?”

Exercise physiologist, researcher, academic and endurance athlete turned accident victim, then turned survivor, PhD candidate, dog behaviourist and kick-ass coach, I will share the strategies and methods that I have learned in all these areas to get you performing at your highest level!

From taking a broken body and transforming it into a strong, healthy endurance machine, and from braving the challenges of transitioning between professional pursuits to finally arriving at the true transformation of my higher self; I have done it all and my mission now is to help others on their journeys to arrive at their true highest selves.

We’re talking using my knowledge and skills as a scientist, athlete, business owner and coach to uncover what is holding YOU back from achieving your best lifestyle, as well as putting in the important work towards what you know is good and right for your body and mind.

Get ready for no-nonsense actionable tasks and important internal work that is done FOR YOU and BY YOU, because let’s face it, who better to do that job?

I will be your guide!

Together, we will unlock nature’s paradigm that exists in each and everyone of us - that also exists in you. Aikki’s aim is to guide more driven folk like you in elevating the way you think, transforming your body’s physical capabilities and ultimately, helping you to show up everyday as your highest self!

“Aikki members develop clarity in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual domains while showing up everyday to pursue functional, growth-focused physical challenges”

— Kirsten Koh

Mind Movement Magic

Mind Movement Magic

Take a look Inside Aikki to find out how you can use Aikki to achieve your physical, emotional and spiritual goals.

Get to know your coach!

Let’s get to know each other!

Three quick facts - Speed dating style!

  1. I have listened to one (yes - un, uno, ichi, singular) song on repeat for 5 hours while training on my indoor trainer.

2. I can’t count so don’t as me to count your reps. You will end up doing 13 instead of 10!

3. I have two favourite films: The Sound of Music and G.I. Jane! Yea, I’m still figuring that one out myself too!

Click here to go to my blog!

  • What started as an active and social lifeline during the pandemic has become a great every day routine and a perfect way to get energised at the start of the day!

    Cécile Wilson

    Researcher, Pilates Instructor and parent of two boys at University.

  • It is a treat to spend the morning with people who have become friends and a cheerful Kirsten leading us through classes. Every morning that I start with AIKKI is a win and sets me up for the rest of the day!

    Cassandra Mansueto

    Administrator and newly enrolled Fine Arts student, parent to two energetic Australian Shepherds, Bramble and Samson

  • Alison's Review

    Alison White

    Consultant (Emergency Medicine), Parent of two school-aged children and two beautiful black labradors, Piper and Eska

  • Fiona's Review

    Fiona Rondelli

    IT consultant, Fitness and Motorbike Enthusiast

Aikki strives to be a leading coaching company relentless in its refinement of current practices within the personal development and coaching industry.

  • Great battles have been won and lost in our minds. Taking time to cultivate a robust and open mind to help us process situations, stimulus and solutions calmly can make a world of difference to the eventual outcome of any problem.

  • Not quite six packs, buns and guns but how about a body that moves freely, gracefully and free from pain? A balanced approach to physical condition means that we will run faster while never taking a single running step in training. That is true adaptation - the ability to transfer ‘fitness gains’ across disciplines!

  • The pinnacle of any worthy endeavour, we naturally morph into better versions of ourselves every day we work towards fulfilling our mission. Helping you achieving your highest self means Aikki becomes another step closer to changing the world for the better!